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Re-Learning Haskell with Advent of Code - Part 1

A few years ago I learned myself a Haskell for greater good from a book “Learn you a Haskell for greater good”1 and the first few chapters of another book “Haskell from first principles”2.

It was fun to learn. I didn’t go onto use Haskell to build any real applications, beyond coding up some exercises and mini programs to learn things.

I believe I got a lot from it. At the very least it’s joyful to solve problems in Haskell. When I started writing Rust a year later I liked the strong type system and the features inspired by functional languages: maps, folds, etc. It gave me an appreciation of the benefits of immutability and pure functions. I believe that’s fed into improving how I build things in other languages.

A colleague told me about how they did Advent of Code3 to learn Rust and a wider group of colleagues have decided to do a couple of exercises every week, to learn a variety of languages, and meet fortnightly to discuss approaches. I saw this as a good opportunity to “pick up Haskell again”. So I did.

This post, along with following parts, will be my log of my experiences and the things I’m learning while going through this exercise. It’ll be littered with wild theories, opinions, inefficient uses of code, hopefully some good learnings, and sometimes things that are just plain wrong. I’m keen to hear any thoughts people have or anything they can add or ask in comments. So don’t be afraid to drop a comment or three!

Week 1

Build Tooling

First thing’s first. Build tooling. I didn’t really bother with this the last time around. I spent most of the time playing in GHCi, the interactive Haskell terminal, and importing most of the Haskell modules I wrote into that, rather than compiling and running an executable.

Over the last few years I’ve learned: first thing to do after cloning a codebase: build it! And if you can’t rebuilt at the touch of a button, do the work immediately to make sure you can. I’ve spent time faffing on with linking issues with C++ applications. I’ve spent time faffing on with Python’s dependency management, or lack thereof4. It’s not time well spent. It’s time lost. I’ve been writing Rust at work for about a year and a half. Rust has cargo. Cargo is phenomenal. It’s a great bit of tooling. I’ll not lie to you: when facing technical decisions, especially around tooling, I quite often find myself asking “WWCD?", “What Would Cargo Do?".

I’m picking up a language, having build tooling that’s rock solid, and available at the touch of a button is paramount. So before writing a line of code, or even reading the first day’s challenge, I went looking for build tooling.

I did a bit of googling with phrases like “Haskell toolchain”, “Haskell build tools comparison”, and found various resources ranging from blog posts to official documentation. I found this post quite informative. It purports to be “An opinionated guide”. That’s good. Developers having opinions is good. Especially when you consider the alternative: not having thoughts. It’s a long document. I didn’t read nearly half of it. But funnily enough the first section in this “guide to Haskell”, was on build tooling. It touched on three options of cabal-install, stack, and nix, and proceeded to do fairly good job of selling stack. Combined with a friend telling me that “stack is the closest thing to cargo that Haskell has got”, I was sold on stack, at least for the meantime. Nix is on my bucket list, just not today.

So I found and bookmarked the official documentation and ran stack new day1 to create a project for the problems in “day 1” of the Advent of Code.

Retracing the first steps

The problems on day 1 involved summing the result of applying a function to list of integers, and then do the same with a different function. The halves of this exercise are almost identical except for the function to apply to each element of the list before summing the results. This sounds like an opportunity for function currying.

Using stack new sets up a src/Lib.hs and a app/Main.hs. While not having read up on the conventional use of these files, my guess is that Lib.hs is for any functionality that might become a library, keeping things as generic as possible, and Main.hs is for code specific to this application: where to read the data from, error handling, etc. Although, especially for earlier problems, this separation will be somewhat artificial. I’m not going to get too worried about what’s in what file, but use it to get used to exporting and importing.

I ended up with a Lib.hs:

module Lib
    ( tot_1
    , tot_2
    ) where

f :: Integral a => a -> a
f x = x `div` 3 - 2

tot_1 :: Integral a => [a] -> a
tot_1 = tot f

g :: Integral a => a -> a
g x
  | f x >= 0 = f x + g(f x)
  | otherwise = 0

tot_2 :: Integral a => [a] -> a
tot_2 = tot g

tot :: Integral a => (a -> a) -> [a] -> a
tot f = sum . fmap f

, and a Main.hs:

module Main where

import Lib
import Data.List

main :: IO ()
main = do
  contents <- readFile "inputs.txt"
  let inputs = fmap read . lines $ contents
  print . Lib.tot_1 $ inputs
  print . Lib.tot_2 $ inputs

, having saved the inputs Advent of Code gave me to inputs.txt (each person gets given their own problem input).

The function tot takes a function and applies it to each element of a list and sums the results. To fulfil each half of the problem I then only needed to define the two functions to pass to tot.

This day 1 problem gave a quick revision of:

  • modules,
  • do notation,
  • functions composition (with . & $),
  • function currying, and
  • recursion.

Recursion ends up featuring heavily in my solutions to the first few days. I’m not sure why, but Haskell make recursion feel like a natural way to solve problems. I use recursion in other languages, but it always feels like I’ve done something a bit clever.

Day 2 asks you to write a basic Intcode computer which is then extended and used in all odd day problems from day 5 onwards. I decided to come back to this and went on to problems from days 3, 4, 6, and 8.

Day 3 involved drawing lines on a grid and working out where they cross, my solution involved reminding myself of how to make use of:

  • Defining my own types: type constructors, sum types, record syntax,
  • Generating lists from infinite lists,
  • filter,
  • foldl, and
  • Using lists as applicative functors,

without too much hassle. The solution wasn’t very efficient, but it worked.

Fun With Folds

Day 4 introduced a simple problem of: work out the number of integers between two numbers that:

  • Have two adjacent digits that are the same, and
  • Who’s digits never decrease.

In my solution I used function currying again. A function took a function that applies a rule between two characters as an argument, and folded over the digits in the numbers with foldl to apply the rules.

ruleX :: Char -> Char -> Bool

In two respects, foldl was an awkward fit:

  1. I didn’t care about the initial value,
  2. The rules can be confirmed as being broken or obeyed without having to iterate through every element.

No Initial Value

The first of these points is equivalent to saying that I don’t care about applying this fold to an empty list. Using foldl, each time I applied a rule to the string, I had to provide an initial character that wouldn’t cause the rule to fail in any case. While I “got away with it” for this problem, I should find an alternative pattern to use here to avoid a reasonably crass source of error.

Funnily enough, I had this exact same problem when doing some work in Rust in the week, and found fold1 from the itertools crate with type:

fn fold1<F>(self, f: F) -> Option<Self::Item> where
    F: FnMut(Self::Item, Self::Item) -> Self::Item,
    Self: Sized,

If an empty list has passed in,you get a None5 back.

Given how much Rust has borrowed from Haskell I was confident this will exist in Haskell too.

I found foldl1 in Prelude.

foldl1 :: Foldable t => (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a

It does a fold without needing an initial value but doesn’t handle empty lists.

$ stack ghci
*Main Lib> :t foldl1
foldl1 :: Foldable t => (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> a
*Main Lib> foldl1 (+) [1,2,3]
*Main Lib> foldl1 (+) []
*** Exception: Prelude.foldl1: empty list
*Main Lib> :q

I tried searching in Hoogle for a type like the fold1 from Rust:

foldable t => (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> Maybe a

foldl1May looks to be what I want. I’ll keep the safe package in mind when doing further problems. Coming from Rust I don’t have much of a taste for these exceptions.

$ stack ghci
*Main Lib> :m + Safe.Foldable
*Main Lib Safe.Foldable> :t foldl1May
foldl1May :: Foldable t => (a -> a -> a) -> t a -> Maybe a
*Main Lib Safe.Foldable> foldl1May (+) []
*Main Lib Safe.Foldable> foldl1May (+) [1,2,3]
Just 6
*Main Lib Safe.Foldable> :q

It’s good to know the nomenclature of:

“Safe” means: “won’t throw an exception”

Bailing Early from a Fold

The second of these points, where we know the rule is either met or broken before we’ve finished iterating over the digits of the number, basically means that we’d like to quit iterating once we have a solid answer.

In procedural code performing a “for loop”, a “break” statement would do this job.

The way I approached this was to wrap the accumulator in a Maybe and have the fold function “pass through” when the accumulator is Nothing.

foldFunction :: (a -> b -> Maybe a) -> Maybe a -> b -> Maybe a
foldFunction _ Nothing _ = Nothing
foldFunction f (Just acc) x = f acc x

So as soon as f produces a Nothing, the fold will produce Nothing.

I used Maybe because I didn’t care about the data being accumulated, I only cared whether the fold got to the end of the list. If I cared about the data in an “early exit” of the fold I could have used Either:

foldFunction' :: (a -> c -> Either a b) -> Either a b -> c -> Either a b
foldFunction' _ Left x _ = Left x
foldFunction' f (Right acc) x = f acc x

I was hoping the compiler would optimise out passing through Nothing and bail as soon as the accumulator becomes Nothing. Then this pattern could be used to fold over an infinite list… sadly not. Say we want to quit with Nothing as soon as an element is found greater than 10:

*Main Lib> :t foldFunction
foldFunction :: (a -> b -> Maybe a) -> Maybe a -> b -> Maybe a
*Main Lib> foldl (foldFunction (\_ x-> if x > 10 then Nothing else Just x)) (Just 0) [0..10]
Just 10
*Main Lib> foldl (foldFunction (\_ x-> if x > 10 then Nothing else Just x)) (Just 0) [0..11]
*Main Lib> foldl (foldFunction (\_ x-> if x > 10 then Nothing else Just x)) (Just 0) [0..]
*Main Lib>

UPDATE: I’ve been pointed at foldM from Control.Monad. The above can be written as:

*Main Lib> :m + Control.Monad
*Main Lib Control.Monad> :t foldM
foldM :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> t a -> m b
*Main Lib Control.Monad> foldM (\_ x -> if x > 10 then Nothing else Just x) 0 [0..10]
Just 10
*Main Lib Control.Monad> foldM (\_ x -> if x > 10 then Nothing else Just x) 0 [0..11]
*Main Lib Control.Monad> foldM (\_ x -> if x > 10 then Nothing else Just x) 0 [0..]
*Main Lib Control.Monad>

Interestingly foldM has this “early exit”, as you can see it returned Nothing when ran on the infinite list [0..].

In my case, I wasn’t actually bothered about the accumulator value whether the fold bailed early or not. In that case I could have used foldM_.

*Main Lib Control.Monad> foldM_ (\_ x -> if x > 10 then Nothing else Just x) 0 [0..10]
Just ()
*Main Lib Control.Monad> foldM_ (\_ x -> if x > 10 then Nothing else Just x) 0 [0..11]
*Main Lib Control.Monad> foldM_ (\_ x -> if x > 10 then Nothing else Just x) 0 [0..]
*Main Lib Control.Monad>

Looking at our foldFunction above, it’s actually a reimplementation of >>= from the implementation of the Monad typeclass for Maybe.

It’s interesting that foldM was able to do this “early exit” but foldl wasn’t. I’ll have to look at the source code and see if I can work out why.

Having a fold that can bail is a powerful pattern when combined with infinite lists. I’ll remember this one.


Day 6 was all about tree structures.

The problem is presented as: “you’re given a bunch of data on which planetary bodies orbit which”, with an implication of there being an orbiter and orbitee. In Physics this would be the model for when one body is much more massive than the other. We think of the Moon orbiting the Earth, when really they’re a binary pair orbiting a common centre of mass. You’re then asked to count the total number of direct and indirect orbits (orbiting something via orbiting something that’s orbiting it). This problem was going to be about finding the data structure that best describes the overall system and using it.

My first thought was “Tree or DAG6?". A generic Graph could be ruled out as: C orbiting B, orbiting A, orbiting C, is nonsense. Try and draw it on a piece of paper. To decide “Tree or DAG” I though about if a “diamond shape” made sense. I.e. D orbiting C & B, which are both orbiting A. Trying to draw this on a piece of paper showed that a “diamond shape” wouldn’t work in general, as in the model, a body can’t orbit two other bodies. Tree it is!

Any number of bodies can be orbiting a body, so we want a tree where a node can point to any number of subtrees. Data.Tree fits the bill.

The input data was a file listing all the orbits. So for B & C orbiting A, and D orbiting C the input data would look like:


) means “is orbited by” so:

A is orbited by B. A is orbited by C. C is orbited by D.

In the nomenclature of this problem, D is “indirectly orbiting” A. A could be the Sun, B could be Venus, C could be the Earth, D would then be the Moon.

From the giant input I was given, I didn’t know whether there was going to be more than one “root”/“orbital centre”, so I’d need to use a forest, which in Data.Tree is just a type alias for a list of trees.

type Forest a = [Tree a]

In my solution I was able to put the input data into a forest with unfoldForest.

unfoldForest :: (b -> (a, [b])) -> [b] -> Forest a

b is the type of the “seed values”. A “seed value” is a value from which a node can be generated. To build the Forest: unfoldForest (and similarly unfoldTree), take a function that takes a seed value and produces the node data and a list of seed values for all subtrees from the node. unfoldForest then takes a list of seed values for the roots of the trees in the forest, whereas unfoldTree take a single seed value.

I’d split the input data into a list of tuples of Strings where the first element of the tuple was the orbitee and the second was the orbiter.

parseOrbit :: String -> (String, String)

In this case, both types a and b in unfoldForest will find the concrete type of String. Both the seed value and the node data will just be the name of the body given in the data.

First I needed to find what the initial seed values, the roots, were in the data.

-- Which bodies do not orbit anything?
roots :: Eq a => [(a,a)] -> [a]
roots orbits = [x | (x, y) <- orbits, notElem x . fmap snd $ orbits]

Then, given the orbit data, I was able to describe the “unfold function”.

-- Given the orbit data, what orbits a given body?
forestBuilder :: Eq a => [(a,a)] -> a -> (a,[a])
forestBuilder orbits body = (body, [snd orbit | orbit <- orbits, body == fst orbit])

forestBuilder orbits would give our “unfold function”.

orbits :: [(String, String)]

unfoldFunction :: String -> (String, [String])
unfoldFunction = forestBuilder orbits

Stringing that together, we can load the input data into a forest:

main = do
  contents <- fmap lines . readFile $ "input.txt"
  let orbits = fmap parseOrbit contents
  let myForest = unfoldForest (forestBuilder orbits) (roots orbits)

Now the data is loaded into a Forest, I want to walk through the forest and count how many steps from the root each node is. Summing all those will give us the number of direct and indirect orbits.

I was hoping to, symmetrically, use foldTree to get the answer.

I couldn’t see how to do it with foldTree. I had Tree String where the string data was wholly uninteresting when counting the number of orbits as I wanted to sum the depths of each node. The type signature of foldTree appears to want a function that uses the node values:

foldTree :: (a -> [b] -> b) -> Tree a -> b

I ended up splitting the Tree into its “levels” with levels and then folding over that.

levels :: Tree a -> [[a]]

sumDepthsTree :: Integral b => Tree a -> b
sumDepthsTree = snd . foldl foldFunc (0, 0) . levels

foldFunc :: Integral a => (a,a) -> [b] -> (a,a)
foldFunc (depth, acc) x = (depth + 1, acc + depth * genericLength x)

I used a tuple accumulator to record the depth (i.e. the index within levels mytree and the accumulating sum of the depths).

That was enough to give me the answer to the first part of Day 6. In writing this I’ve just realised there’s a second half to the problem that I missed before which looks like it’s asking you to calculate how many steps it takes to get from one tree node to another. I’ll come back to this at some point and add to my solution.

No Editor Integration Yet

Interestingly, I didn’t setup any editor integration for Haskell in this first week.

While my applications are only being split between src/Lib.hs & app/Main.hs, and I can search on Hoogle, I’ve not felt like I need it.

The syntax is fairly minimal, so I haven’t needed an editor to write code for me, and it is readable as text. NeoVim gives me Haskell syntax highlighting out of the box and I’m yet to need any of the IDE level functionality.

I’ve blogged before about how you shouldn’t need an IDE to read code as code should be “readable as text”, and I’m pleased that Haskell is living up to that.

I’ll keep rolling with syntax highlighting and nothing else for now. If I need to get some better integration I’ll look at installing a Haskell language server7 and hooking NeoVim’s language server client to it.

Packaging and Modules

The simplest way to import functions from a module is to do:

import Lib
import Data.Sequence

This pulls in the functions exported by those modules into the current namespace.

Importing like this makes code harder to “read as text” as when you see a function, where it’s come from is not explicit in code. You’d have to look through what each module you import exports to find the function you’re using.

This can be fixed by importing only specific functions:

import Lib (someFunc)

Now only the someFunc function will be imported from Lib.

Collisions between functions imported from different libraries and Prelude can be resolved with qualified imports:

import quailfied Lib as L

Then every function from Lib is callable as L.someFunc.

These can be combined to do qualified imports and be explicit about the functions imported:

import qualified Lib as L (someFunc)

, again resulting in someFunc being callable as L.someFunc.

In order to keep my code as explicit as possible, and thus as “readable as code” as possible, I’m going to use this as a convention from now on. I’ll also try to read some open source Haskell to see if the wider community has a convention on this.

This may end up being laborious. In Rust, importing is explicit in this way, but a large amount of functionality is held in methods implemented on structures and in traits. You only have to import the struct or trait to get the methods. In Haskell, as everything is a function, I’ll need to import each function explicitly.

If I end up giving up on this as a convention I’ll look into integrating a Haskell language server7 into my editor to give me the “go to definition” and all those goodies.


Doing some of the first few Advent of Code problems was good for revising and refining some of the basics. I reckon I could churn through all of the problems using the basic tools I know how to use: list manipulation, recursion, functors, applicative functors, etc. But, I want to go away and do some wider reading before continuing so I can really level up my Haskell.

My general feelings about Haskell thus far, learning it for the second time:

  • I’m enjoying the purity and clean syntax.
  • I’m enjoying using the word “function” without feeling a little guilty.
  • Compared to Rust, Haskell is more implicit. It appears there’s ways of being totally explicit about things and I’ll look to do that. Maybe with a bit more experience I’ll relax a little bit.
  • I haven’t fully learned how the packaging works yet, I’ll feel more comfortable when I have. One thing I don’t know is how you find out what “package” a module is found in.
  • It seems to be the way to search for “I need a thing that does this” is to know what type signature you’re looking for is, and type that into the search bar on Hoogle.
  • There seems to be a lot of different ways to do the same thing, and I’m not sure yet where to find advice on what good approaches are.

I’ll go do some reading, then come back to these problems.

Re-learning Haskell with Advent Of Code - Part 2

  1. Learn you a Haskell for greater good. http://learnyouahaskell.com/chapters ↩︎

  2. Haskell from first principles. https://haskellbook.com/ ↩︎

  3. Advent of code provided a coding challenge on each day of December. ↩︎

  4. Poetry does quite a good job of Python dependency management. It’s not totally watertight, but it’s a huge improvement on pip & Pipenv to which my derision is directed. And Poetry has a very pretty website. ↩︎

  5. Rust’s Option<T> (with variants Some<T> & None) enum is equivalent to Haskell’s Maybe T with Just T and Nothing. ↩︎

  6. DAG: Direct Acyclic Graph: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directed_acyclic_graph ↩︎

  7. I’ve found Haskell language server, but as the README says, it’s in “early stages”. ↩︎