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Re-Learning Haskell with Advent of Code - Part 2

In Part 1, I skipped the day 2, 5, & 7 problems that get you to build and use a Intcode computer. Each problem provides an Intcode program to run: A series of integers that can each either represent an instruction or data, and can mutate itself. Looking forward, every odd number day from day 5 onwards uses the Intcode program. So I decided to come back to them, and make a concerted effort at a few of them in a row.

Intcode computer - Stateful Computation

An Intcode Program

Day 2 introduces an intcode program that’s essentially a series of integers where you start at the beginning and perform some operation depending on the integer (instruction) you find which may read or write another element in the list, take an input, or produce an output, and you then move along the sequence to the next instruction, which is a number of elements along depending on the instruction you just ran. Eventually you reach an instruction to terminate the intcode program, or the program crashes from some operation failing, finding an unrecognised instruction, or reaching the end without terminating. The explanation in the problem description goes into more detail with examples.

It looks like the general problem here is we’ve got some state that mutates during computation (a run of the program) and we may need to keep the current state around while we do some other calculation (calculating the next input of the program).

With mutation not really being a feature in functional languages I looked around for how this can be modelled in Haskell. From the looks of it, it sounded like the State Monad would be needed at some point.

Initial Implementation

The day 2 problem asks you to build something that will run a simple intcode program with instructions 1 & 2 that each take the next three integers as parameters and mutate an element of the intcode, and 99 that terminates the program. The problem asks you to run the intcode it gives ‘til it terminates and give the first value in the intcode.

For this simple case, we’re not concerned about inputs or outputs of the intcode program and we can run in once and throw it away.

Roughly following the approach I used in the problems tackled in Part 1, I started by thinking about what data matters.

data Program = Program {
  -- Instruction Pointer: ip
} deriving(Show)

data Status = Running | Terminated | Crashed deriving(Show)

So we’ve got: the index that the current instruction is at, ip; the status of the program, whether it’s Running, Terminated (by a 99), or Crashed for some reason; and the intCode itself.

I could have done less than this on a first pass, only modelling the intCode and ip, and letting the code crash if an operation failed, but I was keen write safe code by using safe operations, such as those from Data.List.Safe handling errors, hence the Crashed variant of Status.

I’ve modelled the intcode as a list, [Int]. lists aren’t efficient for looking up values by index, which is done a lot in the solution, but for now, I’m not hugely worried about performance at this stage. If it becomes an issue in later problems, I can look into alternative representations. If not, I’ll cycle back through at some point and try to optimise performance as an exercise.

From here I was able to write a function that takes the above state and evolves it by one instruction, and running an entire intcode program by recursing until the status is no longer Running.

runProgram :: Program -> Program
runProgram prog = case status prog of
   Running -> runProgram . runStep $ prog
   _ -> prog

runStep :: Program -> Program
runStep prog = ...

runStep matches the instruction found at the instruction pointer index in the intcode and runs the appropriate operation to produce a new Program, with a mutated intcode and the instruction pointer moved along.

Introducing the State Monad

The above recursive function proved to be enough to get the answers to both parts of day 2. As I didn’t need to keep track of the program state, the State Monad wasn’t needed.

Anticipating I’d need it later, I tried wrapping the computation in the State Monad to see how it works.

From reading the State Monad docs, and with some help for the chapter in Learn You a Haskell, I’ve understood it as: you have your state, s; the output of a computation on that state, a; and a function that takes the state and returns the output and the state evolved, s -> (a, s). You then use state to put the function into the State Monad, denoted State s a. Then it can be manipulated with functions that act upon the State Monad, and inside do notation.

In this case the state type, s, is Program, and the output type, a, is (), as we’re not concerned about the output.

runProgram :: State Program ()
runProgram = do
  prog <- get
  case programState prog of
    Running -> do
    _ -> return ()

runStep' :: State Program ()
runStep' = state runStep

runStep :: Program -> ((), Program)
runStep prog

I was then able to create a Program with the intcode provided, pass it to runProgram and use execState to get the final Program state.

The fact that I’ve used () for the output type is a sign that the State Monad was not required here, a function of s -> s would suffice, but it was good to do as an exercise.

Expanding the Intcode Computer

Over days 5, 7, & 9 you’re asked to build up the intcode computer with a host of new instructions and the ability to take inputs and give outputs.

Now there was a potential opportunity to use the State Monad in the intcode computer, changing the output type and having the functions that return the State Monad take a parameter. E.g. if our input and output were both Int we might have:

runProgram :: Int -> State Program Int

In the case of these problems we need:

  • A list of inputs, [Int],
  • A list of outputs, [Int],
  • Inputs are called one by one, not necessarily by the first instruction in the program,
  • Outputs build up over the course of the program running.

As the program runs each instruction, we want to keep track of the remaining inputs and the outputs thus far. So I decided to include input and output in the Program type, and not use my State Monad implementation.

Including these in the type that tracks the state, along with a “Relative Base” which the Instruction Pointer is taken as being relative to, we get:

data Program = Program {
  -- ip: Instruction Pointer
  -- rb: Relative Base
} deriving(Show, Eq)

data Status = Running | AwaitInput | Terminated | Crashed deriving(Show, Eq)

runProgram mostly stayed the same, with the case statement adding a match for the AwaitInput variant of Status.

runProgram :: Program -> Program
runProgram prog = case status prog of
   Running -> runProg . runStep $ prog
   AwaitInput -> if (length . input $ prog) > 0
     then runProg . runStep $ prog
     else prog
   _ -> prog

runStep :: Program -> Program
runStep = ...

Adding Tests

As every odd day from 5 onwards uses this intcode computer, I defined it in it’s own module in a different directory and wrote some tests for it.

Looking around I found all sorts of testing libraries with different goals: hUnit for unit testing, SmallCheck & QuickCheck for property based testing, to name a few. The tasty library attempts to pull them all together so I went with that.

Property based testing looks quite interesting and I plan to look into it. For my intcode I added a bunch of assert F(X) == Y style tests to ensure the operations perform as expected in the mainline cases.

With tasty you create a “test tree”. I added all the examples from explanations of the intcode features from each of the days that introduces them. The output looks quite good in the terminal.

$ stack test
intcode> test (suite: intcode-test)

  Unit tests
    Test progressing the program by one instruction
      tests for op codes 1 & 2
        Day 2 example 1 step 1:                              OK
        Day 2 example 1 step 2:                              OK
        Day 2 example 1 step 3 - finish:                     OK
        Day 2 example 1 - try step finished prog:            OK
      Some testing of Opcodes 5 & 6
        op code 6 - test 1:                                  OK
      test 203 op code
        simple case:                                         OK
    Test runnning the program til it stops
      Test examples from day 2 of AOC
        Day 2 example 2 - (1 + 1 = 2):                       OK
        Day 2 example 3 (3 * 2 = 6):                         OK
        Day 2 example 4 (99 * 99 = 9801):                    OK
        Day 2 example 5:                                     OK
      Test examples from day 5 of AOC
        Day 5 example 1 - echo:                              OK
        Day 5 example 2 - immediate mode:                    OK
        Day 5 example 3 - input equal to 8? yes:             OK
        Day 5 example 3 - input equal to 8? no:              OK
        ... (etc)
      Test examples from day 9 of AOC
        Day 9 example 1 - copy of self:                      OK
        Day 9 example 2 - output 16 digit number:            OK
        ... (etc)

All 33 tests passed (0.01s)

intcode> Test suite intcode-test passed
Completed 2 action(s).

Using the Intcode Computer

Day 7 asks you to create a series of intcode computers, each running an “amplifier program” provided, where the output of one becomes the input of the next.

The first part of the problem requires you to run these in series to get an output at the end. Taking the ascii diagrams from the day 7 problem description:

    O-------O  O-------O  O-------O  O-------O  O-------O
0 ->| Amp A |->| Amp B |->| Amp C |->| Amp D |->| Amp E |-> (to thrusters)
    O-------O  O-------O  O-------O  O-------O  O-------O

A simple fold over a list of intcodes sufficed here. I was happy for each intcode state to be thrown away as the calculation moved to the next. No need for the State Monad yet!

The second half of the problem then asks you to run the intcode computers, the “amplifiers”, in a loop, until they exit.

      O-------O  O-------O  O-------O  O-------O  O-------O
0 -+->| Amp A |->| Amp B |->| Amp C |->| Amp D |->| Amp E |-.
   |  O-------O  O-------O  O-------O  O-------O  O-------O |
   |                                                        |
                                                     (to thrusters)

Now we care about keeping the intcode state around, and we have an output we want to take from the stateful computation, we have a good reason to use the State Monad.

import Intcode (

data Amps = Amps {
} deriving(Show)

runAmpsLoop :: State Amps (Maybe Int)
runAmpsLoop = do
  out <- runActiveAmpOutput'
  amps <- get
  case (atFinalAmp amps, activeAmpStatus amps) of
    (_, Crashed) -> return Nothing
    (_, Running) -> return Nothing
    (True, Terminated) -> return (Just out)
    (False, Terminated) -> do
      modify nextAmp
      modify (activeAmpAppendInput out)
    (_, AwaitInput) -> do
      modify nextAmp
      modify (activeAmpAppendInput out)

-- The types of the functions called above,
-- in order of appearence.
runActiveAmpOutput' :: State Amps Int
runActiveAmpOutput :: Amps -> (Int, Amps)

atFinalAmp :: Amps -> Bool
activeAmpStatus :: Amps -> ProgState

nextAmp :: Amps -> Amps
activeAmpAppendInput :: Int -> Amps -> Amps

Following the same pattern applied when I tried wrapping the intcode in a State Monad above:

  • runActiveAmpOutput evolves the state and provides an output, our s -> (a, s);
  • runActiveAmpOutput' wraps that in the State Monad with state; and
  • runAmpsLoop:
    • runs the current amplifier (intcode program),
    • gets the new overall state with get, and
    • only if we’ve just run the final amplifier in the loop, and it has Terminated, return the output.
    • Otherwise, if we haven’t crashed, use modify to edit the overall state by moving to the next amplifier in the loop, nextAmp, and passing the output from the last amplifier to new one, activeAmpAppendInput.

I also defined a function newAmps which, given an intcode program and a list of “phases” (tuning parameters for the amplifiers), produces the initial Amps state.

newAmps :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Amps

I could then find the output of running the amplifiers in a loop with the expression:

evalState runAmpsLoop $ newAmps intCode phases

The problem itself asks you to find the combination of phases that gives the greatest output once the amplifier loop has ran its course. This could be found by selecting the permutation of phases that the above expression evaluates to the greatest value.

Introducing Monad Transformers

Day 13 has a fun problem. You’re given an intcode program that outputs the data (triplets of: x coordinate, y coordinate, and a “tile id” that determines which character exists at that position) for the display of a game where you destroy all the bricks with a ball that you keep in play with a paddle you move side to side.

You’re asked to write a program that will finish the game by destroying all the bricks.

I had a solution that would start with a state like this:

" | # # ## #### ##  #  #### #####    #####  |"
" | ####    #   #   # #    ## # #   ##   #  |"
" | # ## ## # ## ## ###  ######  # ##### #  |"
" | #  # ## ####    ##### # ######  ######  |"
" | ##  ##### # # #  ## # # ### ## ### ## # |"
" |  #### ##  #  # ## #  #   ## # ###### #  |"
" |  ## #######  #### # ## # #   ## #  #### |"
" | # # ## #### ##  #  #### #####    #####  |"
" | # ##### #   ##    ### ####    # ####  # |"
" |  ## #  #   #    #   # #  ## # # #  ###  |"
" | ## ## # # # ##  #    ## ###    ##  #### |"
" | ###     ######   ## ##  ## ### ##       |"
" |    # ## ##   ##  ## ### #         ## ## |"
" | ## ##  #  # ### # ## #   ##    ### # ## |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                         o               |"
" |                                         |"
" |                          =              |"
" |                                         |"

and would whirr away for a short while until it was finished and my main could print the game state:

" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                   o     |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                   =     |"
" |                                         |"
"your score: 13581"

To achieve this I followed the same pattern as I did in the day 7 solution we saw in the last section:

  • Define the state,
  • Wrap that in the State Monad, and
  • Define a recursive function to keep running the intcode computer and evolving the state until done.
import qualified Intcode as IC
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM

data Game = Game {
  gameProg :: IC.Program,
  gameDisplay :: Displ
} deriving(Show)

type Displ = HM.HashMap Tile Tid
type Tile = (Int, Int)

data Tid = Empty | Wall | Block | Paddle | Ball | BadTid | Score{theScore::Int} deriving(Show, Eq)

This time Game is the state, containing an intcode program and a HashMap to record the “tiles” in the display, keyed by their coordinates.

data LiveData = LiveData {
  -- x-coordinate of the ball - xb
  -- x-coordinate of the paddle - xp
  -- Game score - sc
} deriving(Show)

stepGame' :: [Int] -> Game -> (LiveData, Game)

stepGame :: [Int] -> State Game LiveData
stepGame = state . stepGame'

playGame :: [Int] -> State Game Int
playGame inp = do
  liveData <- stepGame inp
  game <- get
  case IC.progState (gameProg game) of
    IC.AwaitInput -> playGame [joystick (xb liveData) (xp liveData)]
    _ -> return $ sc liveData

joystick :: Int -> Int -> Int

LiveData is the data we pass on from step to step: the x coordinates of the ball and paddle and the running score. The intcode program given can take 1, -1, or 0 as an input to move the paddle right, left, or nowhere. joystick returns 1, -1, or 0 depending on whether the ball is ahead, behind, or in line with the paddle.

This was all well and good, and I could complete the problem by giving my end score, but I wanted to watch my program as it took out all the bricks.

Basically I wanted to be able to call print inside the playGame function. I had a function that would turn the HashMap display into a 2D grid of characters:

gridDisplay :: Displ -> [[Char]]

, and could print a game’s display to screen with an expressions like:

mapM print $ gridDisplay displ

that maps print across a [[Char]] (i.e. [String]) to display the grid in stdout.

To be able to perform an IO action within playGame we need to be able to include a line of code that returns the IO Monad inside our State Monad.

To achieve “Monads inside Monads” we use monad transformers, and for the State Monad we can use the StateT monad transformer.

Editing the playGame function in my solution:

import Control.Monad.State.Lazy (state, StateT)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import System.Console.ANSI (cursorUp)

playGame :: [Int] -> StateT Game IO Int
playGame inp = do
  liveData <- stepGame inp
  game <- get

  -- Display the game state in a grid to stdout
  let grid = gridDisplay $ gameDisplay game
  _ <- liftIO $ mapM print grid
  liftIO . print $ ("Your score: " ++ show (sc liveData))
  liftIO . cursorUp $ (length grid) + 1

  case IC.progState (gameProg game) of
    IC.AwaitInput -> playGame [joystick (xb liveData) (xp liveData)]
    _ -> return $ sc liveData

stepGame :: [Int] -> StateT Game IO LiveData
stepGame = state . stepGame'

As State is only a type alias for StateT applied to the Identity Monad, I’ve really changed the type of playGame from:

playGame :: [Int] -> StateT Game Identity Int


playGame :: [Int] -> StateT Game IO Int

to provide a non-trivial “inner monad”.

The other key ingredients here are: liftIO, which allows us to perform actions within the inner IO Monad; and cursorUp, to move the stdout cursor up so we refresh the screen rather than printing a new grid below.

While I got a monad transformer to work for me in this instance, I need to go and spend a bit more time to understand how they work in general, hence the reasonable brief explanation here.

The result of this is that I could sit and watch my program destroy all the bricks! 🎉

" |                                         |"
" | ####    #   #   # #    #  # #   ##   #  |"
" | # ## ## # ## ## ###  ##   #  # ##### #  |"
" | #  # ## ###     ##### #    ###  ######  |"
" | ##  ##### #   #  ## # # #   #  ### ## # |"
" |  #### ##  #    ## #  #         ##### #  |"
" |  ## #######     # # ##          #  #### |"
" | # # ## ####        ###   #       #####  |"
" | # ##### #         ### # #         ##    |"
" |  ## #  #   #        # #  #         ###  |"
" | ## ## # # # #        ## ###         #   |"
" | ###     ######       #  ## #            |"
" |    # #  ##            #                 |"
" | ## ##     # #      #     ##             |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                      o  |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                     =   |"
" |                                         |"
"Your score: 3939"
" |                                         |"
" | ##                               #   #  |"
" | # #       ##                    #### #  |"
" | #  # #    #                # #  ######  |"
" | ##  ##    #                 #  ### ## # |"
" |  #### ##       #                 ### #  |"
" |  ## #             # #              #### |"
" | # #      #         ###             ###  |"
" | # #               ### #         o ##    |"
" |  #                  # #            # #  |"
" | #                    ## ###             |"
" | ##                   #  ##              |"
" |                       #                 |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                         |"
" |                                  =      |"
" |                                         |"
"Your score: 9021"

It does get a bit boring watch it spend ages trying to get the last few bricks.

Making a Monad

In my intcode computer, there was lots of opportunity for various operations to fail if the intcode was bugged or an input was bad. I was modelling these with Maybe, matching on Nothing, and setting the program status to the Crashed variant of Status.

I was doing this a lot, essentially writing the same 3 lines of code over and over. This indicated to me that there was an abstraction to be made1.

Failing Functions being Generic over MonadFail

The general case of this is where we have a type that can represent failure, and if an operation fails we want to return that type representing failure.

As an example, say we want to return a list where an empty list represents failure. In this simple example a negative input results in failure.

maybePos :: Int -> Maybe Int
maybePos x
  | x < 0 = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just x

thing :: Int -> [Int]
thing x = case maybePos x of
  Nothing -> []
  Just posX -> [posX]

thing has to match on the Maybe Int given by maybePos and return either the Int in a list or an empty list.

I found myself repeating this patten:

  • Model the operation that can fail with a function that returns Maybe,
  • Match on the Nothing and return my failure type.

I was doing a lot of manually converting one type’s failure representation to another type’s failure representation. This seemed to me like there was something I could use to do this automatically, as I was expressing the same thing over and over again.

In the example above, both Maybe and List are monads. I’m converting from one monad’s failure representation to another. After a bit of looking around I found the MonadFail typeclass. As Maybe and List both are instances of MonadFail we can redefine maybePos to be generic over MonadFail and cut out the conversion between failure representations.

maybePosM ::  MonadFail m => Int -> m Int
maybePosM x
  | x < 0 = fail "woops"
  | otherwise = return x

thing' :: Int -> [Int]
thing' = maybePosM

posIntoMaybe :: Int -> Maybe Int
posIntoMaybe = maybePosM

posIntoIO :: Int -> IO Int
posIntoIO = maybePosM

This pattern showed a lot of promise, and I wanted to see if I could employ it in my intcode computer code.

Refactoring the Intcode Computer

Recall the Program type I’ve been using to model an intcode computer thus far:

data Program = Program {
  -- ip: Instruction Pointer
  -- rb: Relative Base
} deriving(Show, Eq)

data Status = Running | AwaitInput | Terminated | Crashed deriving(Show, Eq)

We think about where failure is represented in this type: in the Crashed variant of the sum type Status under the status field. You could say that “sense of failure” is buried deep within this type. If we want to handle failure with Monads, we want to encode failure in a “container” type.

I chose to refactor this by making what was Status into a type that had variants that could contain an intcode computer. The data from the Program type above, then got split into:

data Prog a = Running a | AwaitInput a | End a | Crashed String deriving(Show, Eq)

data Intcode = Intcode {
  -- ip: Instruction Pointer
  -- rb: Relative Base
} deriving(Show, Eq)

With Prog being given implementations of Monad and MonadFail typeclasses:

instance Monad Prog where
  return = Running
  (Crashed e) >>= _ = (Crashed e)
  (End prog) >>= k = k prog
  (Running prog) >>= k = k prog
  (AwaitInput prog) >>= k = k prog

instance MonadFail Prog where
  fail = Crashed

As the definition of the monad typeclass has the typeclass constraint:

class Applicative m => Monad m where

and Applicative in turn has a similar constraint for Functor, I needed to also make Prog an instance of both the Applicative and Functor typeclasses:

instance Functor Prog where
  fmap _ (Crashed e) = Crashed e
  fmap f (End a) =  End (f a)
  fmap f (Running a) = Running (f a)
  fmap f (AwaitInput a) = AwaitInput (f a)

instance Applicative Prog where
  pure = Running
  _ <*> (Crashed e) = Crashed e
  (End f) <*> prog = fmap f prog
  (Running f) <*> prog = fmap f prog
  (AwaitInput f) <*> prog = fmap f prog

So what was previously represented by Program, is now represented by Prog Intcode, where Prog is a monad that can represent a program being in a number of states, or crashed and Intcode is the data relevant to an intcode program specifically. The abstraction here is to separate the raw number crunching of the intcode computer from our interpretation of the overall “status” of the program.

Having made this monad, I refactored all the operations on the intcode which could fail to return a type generic across MonadFail, rather than returning Maybe. E.g. my function to safely lookup an index in a list and return 0 if the index is beyond the end of the list, (!!!) went from:

(!!!) :: Integral a => [a] -> Int -> Maybe a
infixl 9 !!!
xs !!! i
  | i < 0 = Nothing
  | i >= length xs = Just 0
  | otherwise = Just $ xs !! i


(!!!) :: Integral a => MonadFail m => [a] -> Int -> m a
infixl 9 !!!
xs !!! i
  | i < 0 = fail $ "index " ++ show i ++ " less that zero"
  | i >= length xs = return 0
  | otherwise = return $ xs !! i

I was then able to strip out all of the case statements that were matching Maybe and returning a “crashed” program for Nothing and use do notation.

The implementation of the old runStep function, that moved the program on by running a single instruction, called down through layers of functions to select the right operation, try to perform it, matching on the Maybe returned and evolving the intcode state if the operation was successful. Now this logic is condensed with the tedious boilerplate removed. The start of the equivalent function in the refactored implementation looks like:

runInstruction :: Intcode -> Prog Intcode
runInstruction ic = do
   opcodes <- currentOpCode ic
   case opcodes of
      (One, m1, m2, m3) -> do
        newIc <- op1 m1 m2 m3 (ip ic) (code ic)
        return $ moveIp 4 . updateCode newIc $ ic

currentOpCode & op1 both return a type generic over MonadFail, so in the case of failure will cause this function to bail with the Crashed variant of Prog. There is one of these 3 line blocks for each of the different instructions the intcode can have, and that’s it.

I’m not sure how “idiomatic” using MonadFail in this way is, it’s just something I spotted that I could do. I see that the Data.List.Safe uses MonadThrow to represent failure, and looking around there seems other ways of representing and dealing with errors, the ExceptT monad transformer among them.

Other Things That Came Up


In my last post I said:

I’m not sure why, but Haskell make recursion feel like a natural way to solve problems. I use recursion in other languages, but it always feels like I’ve done something a bit clever.

I think I know why now:

Functional purity allows you to recurse with confidence.

It comes down to: how much information you have to hold in your head while following the code.

In procedural languages, where methods have side effects, or at least are not guaranteed not to, you need to keep in mind all the state that can be affect when following a method. When a method recurses, you then have to consider all the state that the method can affect on that recursion. You can’t treat each recursion symmetrically, because each recursion adds to the number of things you need to consider.

With functions2, you only need to consider their inputs. And importantly you only need to consider their inputs as data, not as “either representing data or a place to put data”3. When a function recurses, you can leave all context that wasn’t passed directly to the function behind when reasoning through the recursion. You can descend into the recursion carrying with you only what you carried into the last one.

Also as functions return the same output given the same input, you generally only need to reason through the recursion once.

By this same reasoning, I’d argue that a fold is simpler4 than a for loop that iterates over a collection (for languages that support both and you have the choice).

When reasoning through a fold you only need to consider two values: the accumulator; and the item taken from the collection. It’s almost like being in a bubble, where only these two values matter.

In a for loop however, you’re exposed to the context outside the loop. You can’t forget about any variables in scope, as you might change them while looping. You also have control flow to consider. You might hit a break or continue on a particular loop which means you then have to skip over the code blow it that you would have otherwise reasoned through (a goto in sheep’s clothing). Like with recursion in procedural languages the number of things you need to consider grows as you iterate. With functional purity that number of things to consider stays steady.

Compiler Warnings

I turned on a bunch of compiler warnings, as per the advise of this article, by adding this to my ~/.stack/config.yaml:

  "$locals": -Wall -Wcompat -Wincomplete-record-updates -Wincomplete-uni-patterns -Wredundant-constraints

I had initially thought that I wanted to use Haskell as “out of the box” as possible, and not “depend on” extra lints to tell me what to do, but then remembered that’s a terrible argument.

In reality, when people employ extra linting and static analysis they don’t become dependent on it, they learn from it and get better at writing better code first time, and continue to write better code when the linting is turned off.

When you work in a language with a strong type system and have a compiler that kicks your ass when you get it wrong, you become better at writing correct code first time in all languages.

So I turned the compiler warnings on. It did make ghci a bit spammy. I’ll see if there’s a nice way to turn the warnings off for ghci.

Breaking Functions Into Lots of Pieces

In a few of the Advent of Code problems, especially when I was eager to get the problem done and move on, I found myself falling into a pattern of: knowing the data I want; thinking procedurally about all the steps between that and the data I have; writing a function for each of these steps; and stringing them together to get the answer.

This gets me to the answer, but the result is a load of free floating functions non of which make any real sense on their own. The code ends up being a bit of a mess, especially when those constituent steps are not used anywhere else.

Part of this can come down to whether either of the data I have or the data I want are actually good representations of the problem. When data is a good natural fit to a problem you tend not to need to do so many complex transformations of that data. But I think it’s fair to expect times when you need to describe the transformation of some data that’s more complex than could be described in a one line function.

I started using the where keyword more often, and that appears to have dealt with this problem I was having. With where you can break down a calculation into parts without exposing those parts as free floating functions.


foo = map . bar baz
    bar = ...
    baz = ...

This keeps the readers attention in the block of text where the function is defined, rather than having to jump around a file, or even into different files.

Modules & Namespacing

In my last post I talked about: not knowing how to find out what package to install to get a certain library; and not being totally comfortable with the namespacing when modules are imported and suffering from “where did that function come from?” syndrome.

The first of these was me just being dumb as it turns out the package containing a module is written in the top left hand corner of the module documentation’s web page. Spot mtl- in the docs for Control.Monad.State.Lazy.

On the second of these: I’ve got reasonably comfortable with either doing a qualified import to preserve namespacing, or being explicit about which functions I’m importing if I’m importing them into the module’s namespace.

import qualified Foo.Bar as FB
import Baz
  ( foo
  , fooBar
  , fooBarBaz

I’ve found using a combination of these: qualified import and explicitly listing the functions is a bit over the top.

I also practiced a pattern of having a module which renames functions from another module when the names of functions and types didn’t make as much sense in the context I was using them, or were just down right silly names in the first place.

module Sensible
  ( foo
  , bar
  , Baz (..)
  , Silly.okName

import Very.Silly.Named.Module as Silly

foo = Silly.longFooName
bar = Silly.otherBarName

type Baz = Silly.BazBaz

Using a combination of qualified imports and explicitly naming functions I’m importing into the module’s namespace, I’ve found I can completely prevent the “where did that function come from” syndrome.

In my last post I made a lot of comparisons between how Rust does things and how I was finding things are done in Haskell. I made a general point that Rust is more explicit. This is an example of where Haskell can be more explicit. In Rust, a lot of functionality is provided via traits. If a type implements a trait, you can call the methods from that trait on that type by importing the trait. The methods themselves don’t need to be explicitly imported. The result is that you can read some code that deals with a type you know (or at least know where to find the docs for), that then calls a method on that type that doesn’t appear in the type’s documentation. You’re left wondering “where did that method come from?". This is the part where I’d use a “go to definition”. Without that you’d need to search through the traits that are imported in scope as any one of them might have been implemented for the type and try to find the method. I try to avoid this problem in Rust by keeping imports of traits as tightly scoped with the code that uses them as I can so it’s as obvious as possible where the method came from. This is probably one of the rare examples where Rust is not readable as text, where for the most part it is pretty good at being.

What Next?

As I said last time, I reckon I could press on and do the rest of the problems with the tools I know. But I’m keen to level up my Haskell and not just grind out solutions.

I’m keen to read more into monad transformers and property based testing.

I then want to loop back around and improve the performance of my solutions: looking into strictness and more efficient data structures. I also want to make types fit the data better: where they could be more generic making them more generic and where they’re too generic, and possible values of the type don’t represent possible values of data the type represents, choose, or define, another type that’s better suited.

As with Part 1, all my solutions are mastered on Github, but are likely to have been refactored somewhat since this post was written.

Re-learning Haskell with Advent of Code - Part 3

  1. I wrote a blog post recently about how removing repetition in code isn’t the be all and end all, but is a good indicator that some abstractions are needed. ↩︎

  2. I’m careful to not call something a function if it isn’t a pure function. The ship sailed a bit on that one as many languages call their inpure methods “functions”, but I find the distinction useful, not least to help context switch when moving between procedural and functional frames of mind. ↩︎

  3. A great talk by Rich Hickey “The Value of Values” talks about PLOP “Place Oriented Programming”. ↩︎

  4. Another great talk by Rich Hickey “Simple Made Easy” talks about what simplicity is and how we can think objectively about it rather than it being a stand in for what people are most familiar with. ↩︎