
Some things I think.

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Re-Learning Haskell with Advent of Code - Part 3

After Part 2, I wanted to go and do some reading. I felt like I could crack on with the Advent of Code problems with the tools I had at my disposal, but felt if I learned more Haskell I could be doing better. I wanted to learn some more about monad transformers and anything else that could improve my solutions.

So I started search around to see what resources I could find.

(Re-)1Learning Haskell with(out) Advent of Code

After looking around a little, I stumbled upon the Haskell learning resources shared by FP Complete. There’s so many goodies here!

I ran through tutorials on:

  • Applicative Syntax,
  • String Types,
  • Strictness,
  • lenses,
  • The RIO library,
  • Monad Transformers, and
  • Vectors

This only scratched the surface of what’s available there. It’s definitely a resource I will be revisiting.

Armed with these newly learnt learnings, I went back to my Advent of Code solutions to see how I could improve them. 👷 🔧

Small Improvements

Some small improvements I picked up as handy tips or on a 2nd look saw as obvious and trivial.

Writing Stack Scripts

For the simpler problems, I didn’t need the overhead of generating a full project with stack new and opted to replace that with a single dayX.hs script which starts like:

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resovler lts-15.4 script

I’d gone with the full project structure, given by the default template used by stack new, to get used to importing and exporting and to find the namespacing control I was happy with. I’ve done that now, so I can reduce some of the problems to simple scripts and “get things done!".

Using where More

As I elucidated on in Part 2, my earlier solutions were plagued with the proliferation of small functions that don’t really mean a huge amount on their own and are only called as part of another function. where helps to clean this up by putting them inside the namespace of the function they’re really part of and de-cluttering the namespace of the module.

Use foldl' Over foldl

“For strict application of the operator” - the docs say.

As I understand it, a lazy fold would build up a giant chain of thunks which, if the folding operation were cheap, would be more costly than strict evaluation.

Where a List Was Very Slow

Day 3, which was the first real problem I tackled in this exercise to re-learn Haskell, has you drawing wires on a grid and finding where they cross.

I was using a long List for each “wire” to store the coordinates it passed through, then finding where two wires had crossed by putting a function that matches the coordinates in an applicative functor across the two lists. This ends up scaling with order m * n as the wires get longer.

Essentially List was a terrible choice of data structure for this. Lists provide an ordering of their data, and allow you to express duplicates. We want the answer to the question: “what points has a path visited?", we don’t care about the answers to “what order did the path visit those points in?", and “were any points visited more than once?". But by choosing List, or any other ordered collection that allows duplicates, we pay for the answers to those questions.

A simple refactor to store this data in HashSets, and finding the intersection to get the points where the wires crossed reduced the runtime of my solution from over 8 minutes, to 0.8 seconds.

Deriving Instances

In Rust, I use the #[derive()] attribute a lot. More often than not, defining some structs and emuns to declare what aggregates of data matter becomes the cornerstone of any program I write. Derive macros, via serde and structopt, are “how we do” serializing and deserializing data, and building CLIs. I’ve even written my own derive macros recently. It’s fair to say: Rust would be a very different language without derive macros. I was going to say “completely fucking unusable”, but I started to imagine a world where defining your own types was significantly more expensive, where people defined their data aggregates in a more anonymous, ad hoc manner, using generally available collection types, with a smattering of type aliases. Perhaps there’s some advantages to that style. At least it would stop people writing reams of code to build spaghetti-like systems of entirely entangled “objects” that go right round the houses, dig holes, fill them back up again, pull in some state from who knows where or when, all just to “do a thing”, espousing virtues of “encapsulation” and “DRY” (at all costs). I’ve seen code like that in Rust. Defining your own types provides a lot of control and correctness to your program, as you can lean hard on the type system, but as with anything, there are costs as well.

Anyway, while writing Haskell I’ve been trying to use deriving as much as possible. One thing I picked up from FP Complete’s tutorials was the DeriveFunctor language extension. In Part 2 I refactored my Intcode Computer solution to define and use my own Monad instance. It was good to go back and delete the 5 lines of code that defined the Functor instance.

data Prog a = Running a | AwaitInput a | End a | Crashed String deriving(Show, Eq)

instance Functor Prog where
  fmap _ (Crashed e) = Crashed e
  fmap f (End a) =  End (f a)
  fmap f (Running a) = Running (f a)
  fmap f (AwaitInput a) = AwaitInput (f a)


{-# LANGUAGE DerivingFunctor #-}

data Prog a = Running a | AwaitInput a | End a | Crashed String deriving(Show, Eq, Functor)

Little victories. No code, no bugs. 🐛

Using Git Dependencies with Stack

As part of my refactored Intcode Computer solution in Part 2 I had to fork and update the base version in a library that provided testing of Monad, Applicative, Functor, and Monoid Laws. I then included my fork as a git submodule and pointed Stack at the dependency in the local file system. This was a good bit of practice with git submodules. I’ve found git submodules to be something that you never use, until you have to, and then you get it all spectacularly wrong and end up very confused. But as the theme of this post is about tidying up and refactoring, I changed this to tell stack to get my fork from git.

Big Changes

For me, the biggest difference coming back to my solutions was more down to having more experience and confidence in the language, and coming at the code, with a view to cleaning up the expressions and abstractions rather than wanting to get the answer to plug into Advent of Code so it’ll give me a gold star. ⭐

Looking past the general code tidying, there were some specific things I’d learned from doing some of FP Complete’s tutorials that I was able to apply to my refactored solutions.

Stop Matching Maybes - More Monad Transformers

Not a great first example, as it’s very much a “Big Not-Change”, but I thought it was worth a mention.

After going through some of FP Complete’s tutorials on monad transformers, I thought that I’d go back to my solutions finding vast swathes of code, matching on Maybes and rip it all out in favour of monad transformer stacks.

That didn’t actually happen. There was actually relatively few cases where I was matching Maybes and they were quite tidily cleaned up by making the function generic over MonadFail in stead, see below.

It could be that there weren’t lots places where monad transformers could have been used to really clean up my code. Or perhaps the concept hasn’t sunk in enough for me to spot those places. I had used StateT in one of my solutions already so I could print out the state to terminal as it was evolving (covered in Part 2). It might be easier to spot where they could be used when I’m writing something fresh, rather than revisiting and refactoring code that was to some extent written around not knowing to use them.

Alternatively, Use MonadFail

In Part 2 I discussed a pattern I found of defining functions who’s result could represent a failure, as being generic over MonadFail and allowing the calling code to choose the instance of MonadFail to represent the failure.

My solution to day 6 involved loading some data into a Tree, and at a one point, finding the path to a given node. Trouble was, the code assumed the given node existed in the tree, and if it didn’t, the code didn’t crash, it gave a nonsensical answer. 😟

Using this pattern, this code was surprisingly easy to fix. My function orbitalHops which told you how many hops there were between two nodes of a tree was fixed up to look like:

import qualified Data.Tree as T

orbitalHops :: MonadFail m => T.Tree String -> String -> String -> m Int
orbitalHops orbs node1 node2 = do
  _ <- orbs `contains` node1
  _ <- orbs `contains` node2
  return $ -- previous logic that assumed nodes were in tree
    contains :: MonadFail m => T.Tree String -> String -> m ()
    contains tree node = if node `elem` T.flatten tree then return () else fail $ "Could not find element: " ++ node

In my example of using this pattern with MonadFail in Part 2, there was a top level function who’s type gave m a concrete type. This time, I used the fact that IO implements MonadFail and passed the non-concrete m up to main to let the script fail with the error above if a node given was not in the data.

In main I had:

orbitalHops orbitTree "YOU" "SAN" >>= print

Causing the script to either print the number of orbital hops between "YOU" & "SAN" or fail with the error above, provided by the call to fail.

No More Strings

The wisdom appears to be:

Don’t use String, use Text (or ByteString for raw data)

which a quick google will provide pretty solid justification for, so I’ll not repeat it here.

Day 6 was also the first problem where the input data remained as a string throughout the program and some string manipulation was performed.

I was bracing myself for a bit of a fight to update the solution from using String to using Text, but actually found I could do an almost like for like replacement.

I made some new imports:

import qualified Data.Text as Txt  // I was already importing Data.Tree as T, so went with Txt
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Monoid ((<>))

and removed another: import Data.List.Split (splitOn), then:

Swapped String for Txt.Text where it appeared in type statements.

Prepended Txt. to all the functions acting on strings.

Swapped the use of Prelude’s readFile with fmap TE.decodeUtf8 . B.readFile

And Replaced usages of ++ with <>.

The compiler picked up a couple of places I’d missed and voilà, the script ran as it did before.

I was able to completely remove String from the program, with one exception: the fail function from MonadFail takes a String. This required a call to unpack to turn Text into String. So:

fail $ "Could not find element: " ++ node


fail . Txt.unpack $ "Could not find element: " <> node


One of the reasons touted for String, a singly linked lazy list of Chars, being a bad representation of textual data is that it’s lazy.

Day 8 was a good problem to experiment with as my solution involved manipulating lists of characters, [Char], a.k.a: String.

After refactoring the solution into a once page script and having a bit of a tidy up, but otherwise leaving the substance of the code the same, I built and ran the solution, in file day8string.hs, like so:

$ stack --resolver lts-15.4 ghc -- day8string.hs -O2 && ./day8string +RTS -s
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( day8string.hs, day8string.o )
Linking day8string ...
[solution output]
       4,892,080 bytes allocated in the heap
         848,552 bytes copied during GC
         394,736 bytes maximum residency (2 sample(s))
          36,256 bytes maximum slop
               0 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

                                     Tot time (elapsed)  Avg pause  Max pause
  Gen  0         3 colls,     0 par    0.000s   0.001s     0.0002s    0.0002s
  Gen  1         2 colls,     0 par    0.000s   0.000s     0.0002s    0.0003s

  INIT    time    0.000s  (  0.000s elapsed)
  MUT     time    0.000s  (  0.001s elapsed)
  GC      time    0.000s  (  0.001s elapsed)
  EXIT    time    0.000s  (  0.000s elapsed)
  Total   time    0.000s  (  0.002s elapsed)

  %GC     time       0.0%  (0.0% elapsed)

  Alloc rate    0 bytes per MUT second

  Productivity 100.0% of total user, 55.5% of total elapsed

This gets some statistics out of the garbage collector. These docs tells you what they all mean. The memory usage stats at the top are what’s interesting to us here.

As with my Day 6 solution, I went through and replaced all the usages of [Char] with Text, and functions acting on them with their counterparts from Data.Text, using Data.ByteString.readFile to read the data from file.

$ stack --resolver lts-15.4 ghc -- day8.hs -O2 && ./day8 +RTS -s
       1,464,056 bytes allocated in the heap
          10,264 bytes copied during GC
          44,512 bytes maximum residency (1 sample(s))
          29,216 bytes maximum slop
               0 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

These numbers appear to significantly reduced, which is good. I was interest how much of this was attributable to laziness alone and not other reasons why Text might be more efficient than String. I made another copy of the script, this time using the lazy counterparts of the Text libraries: Data.Text.Lazy, and Data.Text.Lazy.IO.

$ stack --resolver lts-15.4 ghc -- day8lazy.hs -O2 && ./day8lazy +RTS -s
       3,566,680 bytes allocated in the heap
          34,224 bytes copied during GC
          86,824 bytes maximum residency (2 sample(s))
          36,056 bytes maximum slop
               0 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

The numbers went back up a bit, but nowhere near the level of the solution using String and the readFile from Prelude.

I imagine there’s a few ways in which Text has been made to be more efficient than String. It’s good to know that in the rarer case where you might want to evaluate text lazily, lazy Text is still that much more efficient than String.


Lenses are awesome.

In my intcode computer code, which the building of and using was the focus of Part 2, I had defined the core “intcode data” in its own module, that consisted of an Intcode type:

data Intcode = Intcode {
  -- ip: Instruction Pointer
  -- rb: Relative Base
} deriving(Show, Eq)

and some functions that edit the subfields, such as:

moveIp :: Int -> Intcode -> Intcode
moveIp i ic = setIp (i + ip ic) ic

setIp :: Int -> Intcode -> Intcode
setIp i ic = Intcode{
    input = input ic,
    code = code ic,
    ip = i,
    rb = rb ic,
    output = output ic

changeRb :: Int -> Intcode -> Intcode
changeRb b ic = Intcode{
    input = input ic,
    code = code ic,
    ip = ip ic,
    rb = (rb ic) + b,
    output = output ic

consOutput :: Int -> Intcode -> Intcode
consOutput o ic = Intcode{
    input = input ic,
    code = code ic,
    ip = ip ic,
    rb = rb ic,
    output = o:(output ic)

With the exception of some like moveIp that called other functions, they all followed the same pattern of “make a new Intcode with one field different.

The full list of them could be seen in export statement of the module:

module Intcode.Data
    ( Intcode (..)
    , newIC
    , moveIp
    , setIp
    , changeRb
    , updateCode
    , tailInput
    , setInput
    , consInput
    , appendInput
    , setOutput
    , consOutput
    , scrubOutput
    ) where

A lot of copy pasting and Vim macros were used when I first wrote this out.

I did later find out that Haskell has a built-in way for dealing with this boiler plate as an instance of a record type can be referred to with respect to another, only mentioning the records that change. E.g. consOutput from above could have been written:

consOutput :: Int -> Intcode -> Intcode
consOutput o ic = ic { output = o:(output ic) }

And these can be chained, so you could have something like:

ic { output = o:(output ic) } { ip = ip ic + 1 }

This would have massively reduced the boilerplate in this module on its own. But we can go one better with lenses.

Using the microlens-platform package, to also get auto generation of lenses with Template Haskell as well as the functions from microlens, I was able to refactor these functions to simple single liners such as:

consInput :: Int -> Intcode -> Intcode
consInput i = over input (\inp -> i:inp)

And the “set” functions became entirely trivial:

setIp :: Int -> Intcode -> Intcode
setIp = set ip

As the functions had become so trivial I decided to remove them entirely and in stead export the lenses for calling code to use.

The previously 130+ lines of code module became:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Intcode.Data
    ( Intcode
    -- Intcode Lenses
    , input
    , code
    , ip
    , rb
    , output
    -- init
    , newIC
    ) where

import Lens.Micro.Platform (makeLenses, over, set)
import qualified Data.Sequence as S

-- Intcode data
data Intcode = Intcode
  { _input::[Int]
  , _code :: S.Seq Int
  -- ip: Instruction Pointer
  , _ip::Int
  -- rb: Relative Base
  , _rb::Int
  , _output::[Int]
  } deriving(Show, Eq)

makeLenses ''Intcode

newIC :: S.Seq Int -> [Int] -> Intcode
newIC newCode newInput = Intcode{
  _input = newInput,
  _code = newCode,
  _ip = 0,
  _rb = 0,
  _output = []

(I also refactored the intcode data to be held in a Sequence).

This basic use of lenses with: auto-generation, getting, setting, and modifying seems an obvious win for whenever I’m defining my own data aggregate like this. When I have types nested inside types, lenses’ composability will come in handy. I think it’s going to be my default approach in future.

I looked through a couple of my other solutions to see where I had defined some non-trivial aggregation of data where I could clean up the code with lenses. My solutions to Day 11 and Day 13 both followed the same pattern:

  • Defined the state that matters in a type, s,
  • Write a “step function” to progress that state, of the form s -> (a, s), where a is some output of the computation,
  • Wrap that in the State Monad,
  • And recurse, until some condition is met.

Part 2 covers these solutions in more detail.

I started to look at refactoring these solutions to use lenses. But the “step functions” were pretty much the only places lenses could be applied, and these functions did a “bulk update” of the state where every record is being changed. In this cases, I think the record syntax looked clearer than a long chain of lenses.

Deriving Default

While I was refactoring the intcode solution to use lenses to access fields in the Intcode type, I also wanted to refactor the “new” function, so it wasn’t calling the record functions, now prepended with an underscore, directly.

In Rust I’d do:

struct SomeData {
    foo: usize,
    bar: String,
    baz: Vec<String>,

impl SomeData {
    fn new(bar: String) -> Self {
        Self {

(This code in Rust playground).

I was hoping to achieve this for my Intcode type, with something similar in Haskell like:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Lens.Micro.Platform (makeLenses, set)
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import Data.Default

data Intcode = Intcode
  { _input::[Int]
  , _code :: S.Seq Int
  , _ip::Int
  , _rb::Int
  , _output::[Int]
  } deriving(Show, Eq, Default)

makeLenses ''Intcode

newIC :: S.Seq Int -> [Int] -> Intcode
newIC c i = set code c . set input i $ def

This failed to compile with:

    • Can't make a derived instance of ‘Default Intcode’:
        ‘Default’ is not a stock derivable class (Eq, Show, etc.)
        Try enabling DeriveAnyClass
    • In the data declaration for ‘Intcode’
29 |   } deriving(Show, Eq, Default)
   |                        ^^^^^^^

So I included the DeriveAnyClass language extension, then:

    • No instance for (GHC.Generics.Generic Intcode)
        arising from the 'deriving' clause of a data type declaration
      Possible fix:
        use a standalone 'deriving instance' declaration,
          so you can specify the instance context yourself
    • When deriving the instance for (Default Intcode)
29 |   } deriving(Show, Eq, Default)
   |                        ^^^^^^^

GHC.Generics.Generic, I can “hoogle” that. Following a few links lead me to the Generics.Deriving.Default module.

After some fighting with the compiler and adding a bunch of language extensions that it was asking me to, one by one, I realised this isn’t what I want. This module appears to be a way to derive a default implementation of some class instances rather than deriving the ability to default the value of type Intcode.

Going back to the last error I tried also deriving Generic, as that was shown in the examples in Generics.Deriving.Default, and examples on the homepage of the data-default-extra which I also looked at while googling around.

    • Can't make a derived instance of ‘Generic Intcode’:
        You need DeriveGeneric to derive an instance for this class
    • In the data declaration for ‘Intcode’
32 |   deriving(Generic, Default, Show, Eq)

I was anticipating another merry-go-round of the compiler telling me to add language extensions one by one, but adding DeriveGeneric made this work.

The finished article looks like:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DeriveAnyClass #-}

import Lens.Micro.Platform (makeLenses, set)
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Default (Default, def)

data Intcode = Intcode
  { _input::[Int]
  , _code :: S.Seq Int
  -- ip: Instruction Pointer
  , _ip::Int
  -- rb: Relative Base
  , _rb::Int
  , _output::[Int]
  deriving(Generic, Default, Show, Eq)

makeLenses ''Intcode

newIC :: S.Seq Int -> [Int] -> Intcode
newIC c i = set code c . set input i $ def

So deriving a Default instance isn’t quite as easy as in Rust, and took a bit of playing around, but I’m happy that it was reasonably simple once I worked it out.

Replacing Lists with Vectors

My solution to Day 10 involved a lot of manipulating lists. There were fmaps, zips, folds, concats, all over the place. Chances are, as with the rest of the solutions I’ve revisited, this logic could be simplified somewhat. But with it as it was, I saw it as a good exercise to convert to using Vectors and see what the result was.

Firstly: which Vector? The elements are of type:

data Point = Point
  { px :: !Int
  , py :: !Int
  , pAst :: !Bool
  deriving(Show, Eq, Ord)

which isn’t a member of Prim or Storable, so we need a boxed Vector.

Importing boxed vectors:

import qualified Data.Vector as V

I set out making a copy of each function, functionName', which worked on Vectors instead of Lists. Once they all compiled, I switched main over to using Vectors.

As the boxed Vector is a member of a lot of the same typeclasses, Funtor, Monad, Foldable, etc, a fair amount of the code could stay the same.

For the cases where it couldn’t, there was generally a function from Data.Vector that did the job.

Where I was previously providing some data with coordinates by zipping the List with integers:

zip [0..]

I was able to instead call indexed:


There was another place where I was putting a single value, p, in a List:


I went with singleton for the vector case:

V.singleton p

I could have also leveraged Vector's Applicative or Monad instances with pure p or return p respectively.

There were a few places where I’d made use of List comprehensions. Replacing their usage with fmap and filter was fairly straight forward. In once case it made the code much simpler. I had a function:

(\ps -> [p|p<-ps, pAst p])

which instead could be:

(filter pAst)

When I learned a bit of Haskell a few years ago I absolutely lived off List comprehensions. Perhaps because I was coming from Python at the time, and it was a point of familiarity. These days Rust is my primary language and I’m much more comfortable with maps and filters and the like. I’ve hardly used List comprehensions this time around and I haven’t really missed them. In fact when I first started writing Rust I came across the cute crate that lets you write Python style list comprehensions in Rust via a macro. I liked this, but after some code review feedback saying “just get good at the Rust way of doing it”, I realised I was only holding onto this as a safety blanket, so let it go.

I was thinking that I was mostly over List comprehensions and wouldn’t use them a huge amount going forward. But then I found this on the internet: Monad comprehensions! I’ve got to give these a spin at some point!

As with converting usages of String to Text, this went fairly smoothly. A lot of things work the same and for what isn’t the same the documentation is pretty good. My one complaint with the docs are that I wish related modules’ docs linked to each other by default. I found myself re-finding the package page on Hackage and following the link to the other module’s docs from there.


Let’s see what effect this change had on memory usage. Running the solution using Lists:

$ stack --resolver lts-15.4 ghc --package diagrams-lib --package statistics -- day10.hs -O2 && ./day10 +RTS -s
problem output
     344,585,704 bytes allocated in the heap
      22,319,112 bytes copied during GC
         333,584 bytes maximum residency (2 sample(s))
          29,216 bytes maximum slop
               0 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

                                     Tot time (elapsed)  Avg pause  Max pause
  Gen  0       329 colls,     0 par    0.015s   0.015s     0.0000s    0.0002s
  Gen  1         2 colls,     0 par    0.000s   0.000s     0.0002s    0.0002s

  INIT    time    0.000s  (  0.000s elapsed)
  MUT     time    0.121s  (  0.121s elapsed)
  GC      time    0.015s  (  0.015s elapsed)
  EXIT    time    0.000s  (  0.000s elapsed)
  Total   time    0.136s  (  0.136s elapsed)

  %GC     time       0.0%  (0.0% elapsed)

  Alloc rate    2,849,888,381 bytes per MUT second

  Productivity  88.8% of total user, 88.9% of total elapsed

And then the solution refactored to use Vectors:

$ stack --resolver lts-15.4 ghc --package diagrams-lib --package statistics -- day10vec.hs -O2 && ./day10vec +RTS -s
problem output
     509,421,528 bytes allocated in the heap
      38,949,152 bytes copied during GC
         298,760 bytes maximum residency (4 sample(s))
          29,320 bytes maximum slop
               0 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

                                     Tot time (elapsed)  Avg pause  Max pause
  Gen  0       487 colls,     0 par    0.027s   0.029s     0.0001s    0.0008s
  Gen  1         4 colls,     0 par    0.001s   0.001s     0.0003s    0.0008s

  INIT    time    0.000s  (  0.000s elapsed)
  MUT     time    0.166s  (  0.172s elapsed)
  GC      time    0.028s  (  0.030s elapsed)
  EXIT    time    0.000s  (  0.000s elapsed)
  Total   time    0.195s  (  0.203s elapsed)

  %GC     time       0.0%  (0.0% elapsed)

  Alloc rate    3,065,812,448 bytes per MUT second

  Productivity  85.3% of total user, 84.9% of total elapsed

So it performed worse with Vectors. Taking a look at the code, I saw two reasons why this might be.

The problem deals with line of sight between points on a grid. Part of my solution sorted the points of interest into the rays they are on from a certain point, defined by their angle from the vertical. It did this by folding over a Set of the points of interest to construct a Map of points on each ray.

raysFromPoint :: Point -> Set.Set Point -> Rays
raysFromPoint p0 = foldl (\rays p -> Map.insertWith (++) (angleFromPoints p0 p) [p] rays) Map.empty

and in the Vector implementation:

raysFromPoint :: Point -> Set.Set Point -> Rays
raysFromPoint p0 = Set.foldl (\rays p -> Map.insertWith (V.++) (angleFromPoints p0 p) (V.singleton p) rays) Map.empty

where angleFromPoints gives the angle between the vertical and the line between two points.

angleFromPoints :: Point -> Point -> Angle Float

In the List case the (++) is quite efficient. The left hand side is always a list with a single element, so Haskell only needs to allocate a new element which points to the existing list as its tail.

For Vectors, (++) is of order O(m + n) as the whole new combined vector has to be allocated. Granted, m is 1 in this case, but that leaves us with an operation of order n where previously it was constant complexity.

I also had to convert the Vector to a List in two places using toList.

I couldn’t see a way to directly turn a Vector into a Set so resorted to:

Set.fromList V.toList

I wanted to flatten a Vector Vector Points to Vector Points, but V.concat has signature [ Vector a ] => Vector a. I couldn’t find another way of doing that so went with:

V.concat V.toList

UPDATE: It looks as if using V.concatMap would have avoided the need to use the second of these V.formLists. What effect that would have on performance, I don’t know.

Looking at the input data, non of the rays are going to have more than around 10 points on them, so these Vectors aren’t going to ever be that large, but both of these things are work that isn’t being done in the solution with Lists and will come at a cost.

Are there any real savings? There might be some savings from Vector’s strictness, but from what I can tell, Vector’s really out perform Lists when they’re being indexed. This solution wasn’t doing any indexing.

Using Sequence to Model Intcode

From the offset, when I first implemented a solution to Day 2, which introduces the problem of implementing an intcode computer, I knew storing the intcode data in a List was going to be bad for performance as the intcode data needed to be reference by index a lot and have values at specific indices updated.

I made a note to come back to it later, figuring that as the intcode computer implementation is built up over days 2, 5, 7, and 9, after implementing them I know all the things I need to do with the data, and choose a replacement for List then. This did mean that I’d built up a solution around using Lists, but I backed myself to keeps things modular.

After considering a few options, I decided I liked what I saw in Data.Sequence:

  • “Logarithmic-time access to any element”,
  • “Logarithmic-time concatenation”,
  • “Constant-time access to both the front and the rear” - appending and prepending,
  • The ability to change a value at an index with update, and
  • A List-like interface.

The refactor went pretty smoothly. The List-like interface meant a lot of functions could be replaced like-for-like and those that couldn’t had a fairly obvious replacement found in the docs. It having instances of Functor, Foldable, and Monad meant a lot of the code could stay the same.

The part of the code that looked after updating values in the intcode, according to the rules set in the problem, ended up looking a lot cleaner.

Where in the implementation with lists we had:

replaceNth :: Integral a => MonadFail m => Int -> a -> [a] -> m [a]
replaceNth n newVal xs
  | n < 0 = fail "Cannot replace element with negative index"
  | n < length xs = return $ replaceNthInner n newVal xs
  | n == length xs = return $ xs ++ [newVal]
  | n > length xs = return $ xs ++ [0 | _ <- [1..(n - length xs)]] ++ [newVal]

replaceNthInner :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
replaceNthInner _ _ [] = []
replaceNthInner n newVal (x:xs)
   | n == 0 = newVal:xs
   | otherwise = x:replaceNthInner (n-1) newVal xs

This was cleaned up, and made to match the sequence nomenclature:

update :: Integral a => MonadFail m => Int -> a -> S.Seq a -> m (S.Seq a)
update n newVal xs
  | n < 0 = fail "Cannot replace element with negative index"
  | n < S.length xs = return $ S.update n newVal xs
  | n == S.length xs = return $ xs S.|> newVal
  | n > S.length xs = return . flip (S.|>) newVal $ xs S.>< (S.replicate (n - S.length xs) 0)

S.update brought a lot of this clean up as it removed the need for replaceNthInner. The first class ability to append, with S.|>, also got rid of the ++ [newVal] which I’ve always found a bit nasty.

I didn’t examine what the performance effect was of this refactor. It’s on my bucket list to read up on proper performance profiling. When I do, this would be a good test case to come back to and benchmark.

Some Failed Attempts

There were some things that I had a go at, but after realising I’d bitten off more than I wanted to chew at that moment, left them as something to come back to, or tried something else.

Generalising over Vectors

After converting my Day 10 solution from using Lists to boxed Vectors, and finding the performance to be worse, I was going to see what the effect of refactoring the solution to use unboxed Vectors would be.

My plan for this was to refactor the solution to be generic over vector types by writing it in terms of Data.Vector.Generic, and then swapping the concrete vector type used, at (hopefully) the single point where that was defined.

I made a start on this, and I’m reasonably happy with a process of swapping out the module behind the qualified import, and where there are compile errors, using the documentation to find an equivalent function. The only issue was there was a lot of this to do, and I lost the will to do it somewhat. I think a better approach will be: next time I’m writing something to use Vectors, try to write it with generic Vectors and see where that leads.

There was one specific thing I hit, that I fixed, but didn’t fully understand. In the boxed Vector solution I defined the “rays” that different grid points lived on with a map of angle from the vertical to a Vector of grid points (Point). I had the type alias:

type Rays = Map.Map (Angle Float) (V.Vector Point)

In making this generic over vectors, I changed this to:

type Rays v = V.Vector v Point => Map.Map (Angle Float) (v Point)

which worked just fine in all but 3 functions’ type signatures. I had some functions to wrap these “rays” in the State monad, with one function providing the s -> (a, s), where s is “the rays” and another to wrap that in state, and a third to recursively evolve the state until a condition is met.

Taking a look at the “s -> (a, s) function”, called shootInner, the compiler complained about the type signature:

shootInner ::  V.Vector v Point => Int -> Rays v ->  ((Point, Int), Rays v)
    • Illegal qualified type:
        V.Vector v Point => Map.Map (Angle Float) (v Point)
      GHC doesn't yet support impredicative polymorphism
    • In the expansion of type synonym ‘Rays’
      In the type signature:
        shootInner :: V.Vector v Point =>
                      Int -> Rays v -> ((Point, Int), Rays v)
66 | shootInner ::  V.Vector v Point => Int -> Rays v ->  ((Point, Int), Rays v)
   |                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

The same complaint was levied against the other two functions with signatures:

shoot :: V.Vector v Point => Int -> State (Rays v) (Point, Int)
shootUntil :: V.Vector v Point => Int -> Int -> State (Rays v) Point

(you can read the problem description for the context behind the names, basically you spin round and shoot asteroids that are located on the rays).

I reduced the script around the error to it’s simplest form to try and isolate the source of the error:

#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-15.4 script --package containers --package vector
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

import qualified Data.Map.Strict          as Map
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic      as V

main :: IO ()
main = print "Hello"

type Foo v = V.Vector v Int => Map.Map Int (v Int)

bar :: V.Vector v Int => Int -> Foo v -> Foo v
bar = undefined

baz ::  V.Vector v Int => Int -> Foo v ->  ((Int, Int), Foo v)
baz = undefined

I hit the same error about “impredicative polymorphism” here a well.

After a bit of changing things to see what happens, I found that removing the constraint from the type alias allowed this to compile:

type Foo v = Map.Map Int (v Int)

I did a bit of googling around “impredicative polymorphism” and it looks like I’ve got a bit of reading to do before I understand this one, and why it was hit for these functions but not others that both take and return Rays v.

For now my take away is: “don’t put constraints in type aliases”.

Mutable Vector to Model Intcode

Before I settled on choosing a Sequence to represent the intcode program, I was looking into representing it in a mutable Vector as elements have to be changed a lot, I thought that might be more efficient.

But unlike with Sequence, where I was able to pretty much swap out Lists for Sequences, changing a few function calls, but otherwise hardly changing the surrounding functions or structure of the program, with mutable Vectors I’d need a fair amount of refactoring. The functions that access elements all return a monad that would need handling.

In this case as well I thought a better approach would be to earmark mutable vectors as something to try when attempting a future problem, rather than trying to do a big refactor of an existing solution.

Future Improvements

No Prelude and RIO

Now that I’ve refactored a fair few of my solutions to not use String and List, I’m hardly using Prelude at all in some of them.

I think in next Advent of Code problem I attempt, I’ll start by putting

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

at the top of the file and using RIO as a Prelude replacement and build the solution inside the RIO monad.

What Next?

More Advent of Code I guess…

Now I’ve done a “big refactor” of my existing solutions, the next thing to do would be to crack on with some new Advent of Code problems. I’m not in any particular rush to get through them. I’m finding them a decent backdrop to learn things with, and the sooner I finish them, the sooner I have to look elsewhere for fresh problems. I’m definitely in the state of mind of seeing how much I can learn from doing a solution before moving onto the next one.

In the process of attempting more problems I’m definitely going to return to FP Complete’s Tutorials, both for when I’m looking to learn something specific that they cover, and for when I’m speculating on what might be useful for an Advent of Code problem. I see they have a tutorial on performance profiling which I’m keen to look into. In this blog post I’ve not been particularly rigorous when commenting on performance, and at some point I’d like to do some proper benchmarking on the choice of types in some solutions.

All the changes I’ve made are recorded in this monster pull request (which seems to have done a decent job of following when I changed entire Stack project directories into single page scripts). 💃

  1. By this stage, and really by the time I got to Part 2, I’m no longer “Re-learning” Haskell as I’ve gone far beyond the level I got to when I learned some Haskell a few years ago. I started this blog series with “re-learning”, so for continuity’s sake I’ll keep the title as it is. ↩︎